How should we talk about weight?

Sydney Health Law

6cafa8dc-ed7f-440c-8129-c17ebae5e256-2060x1236 (1) Journalist Lindy West on her wedding day. Image from:

In a lot of ways, I’m reluctant to publish this blog post. It’s not a topic I’m an expert on, and academics are generally cautious about writing on something they haven’t researched, due to the fear of being shredded by someone with a PhD and 20 years’ experience in the field.

I’m also worried about making things worse, about saying the wrong thing and invoking the collective ire of the Internet #trolls.  This is also the kind of topic where it’s difficult not to take sides or to admit that you don’t have all the answers, because it’s so polarizing. But I’ve got a question I want to get it off my chest. How do we – as public health advocates, as a community, and as individuals – talk about weight?

This question has been bugging me for a while…

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